
Accelerate Pty Ltd (“Accelerate. -we*. -us’. our or the -Company”) acknowledges that human rights are universal and fundamental rights. freedoms and standards of treatment to which all people are entitled.

While it is the duty of governments to protect the rights of their citizens. we recognise that businesses also have a critical role to play. We recognise that respecting and promoting human rights is integral to our social license to operate and that the commercial viability of our business will only continue in a society where human rights are upheld and promoted.

We are aware of Accelerate’s ability to promote human rights in our society by highlighting instances of abuse of power and the inappropriate exertion of influence wherever we identify it.

Our commitment

Accelerate. as a business with customers across Australia. is committed to ensuring our operations do not infringe upon the rights of others. Accelerate also commits to actively promoting positive human rights impacts within our sphere of influence. particularly in our supply and distribution chains.

Children and young workers

  • Accelerate prohibits child labour. does not employ children, and is against all forms of exploitation of children. As defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention. child labour is work by children under the age of 12, work by children under the age of 15 that prevents school attendance: and work by children under the age of 18 that is hazardous to the physical or mental health of the child.

Forced labour and human trafficking

  • Accelerate believes all people have the right to freedom of engagement and we recognise that people work because they want or need to. not because they are forced to do so.
  • Accelerate prohibits forcibly indentured labour. bonded labour. slavery or servitude and we strictly prohibit our employees. suppliers and other business partners from engaging in human trafficking related activities.

Human rights in the Accelerate workspace

  • All employment within Accelerate must be in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations including those concerning hours, compensation, opportunity and working conditions. Accelerate is committed to assisting employees achieve a healthy work life balance and discourages excessive working hours. Compensation of employees meets or exceeds minimum legal requirements and our compensation philosophy is that remuneration is competitive with industry standards. At Accelerate we base employment decisions on merit. considering qualifications. skills and achievements. We do not tolerate bullying, discrimination or harassment in any form.
  • We recognise and respect our employees’ rights to freedom of association to join. or refrain from joining. free from coercion. associations and/or labour unions. We recognise that employees have the right to organise and join associations and bargain collectively, if they so choose.
  • Accelerate expects all employees to act lawfully to other employees, business partners and those in local communities.
  • Accelerate ensures employees enjoy a clean, orderly and safe work environment.

Relationship with Indigenous people

  • Within the framework of Accelerate’s values. national and international law. we respect the cultures. customs and values of the people in communities where wt operate.


Accelerate encourages our employees and other stakeholders to raise concerns should they witness a breach of human rights or this statement within Accelerate’s operations or supply chain. Employees should report any potential breach to me. If you require further information or assistance or are uncertain about the application of this statement or the law. please contact me.


Andrew Scanlan
Director, June 2021

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